The Perfect Blend Of Micronutrient Minerals

Among the fourteen elements that are required for optimum for plant growth, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are needed by the plant in larger quantities.

Other elements such as Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper and Boron, however, known as “micronutrients,” and are needed in smaller quantities. Because of their role in robust growth, color and ultimately, yield, these are no less important than your N-P-K inputs.

Catalyst Micros provides an advanced balance of micronutrients, chelated for protection from soil tie-up and readily available for plant uptake.

Enhances Overall Crop Yield

Each micronutrient provides a particular, and important, benefit to plant productivity. Crop yield is enhanced when the plant has ready availability of each of the five micronutrients in Catalyst Micros.

Enhances Crop Quality and Color

Catalyst Micros provides just the right mix of Iron, Copper and Boron to positively a ect both crop color and quality.

No Baggage – High Results

Ionic minerals, chelated and complexed to resist soil tie-up, means Catalyst Micros gives you plant-available nutrients with low inputs and low waste.

Protecting The Nutrients

All micronutrient minerals carry an ionic charge that needs to be satisfied through complexing chelation to keep the nutrient from becoming tied-up in the soil. All Crop Performance products feature Carbon Technology preventing tie-up reactions in the soil.

Because amino acids are utilized in Catalyst Micros, you are assured that the nutrients are easily assimilated by the plants, in a form that enhances plant strength and growth. Many products claim “complexing” and “chelation,” but use synthetic materials to protect the nutrient.

Catalyst Micros is just what the plant needs, in just the way it needs it.